hey everyone, i'm trying to catch up on my blogging!
so the ever so talented Ashesela from
ART EVOLVE nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. SWEEEEET! i'm not really sure what makes me so versatile, but I definetly know what makes her one! checkout her
blog she does some great nail art and is so sweet <3
with this award, you thank the person who nominated you, state 7 things about yourself and pass it on to 15 other blogs.
so i now thank the person who nominated me, thank you
7 things about me
1. my doggie is probably my best friend. I always tell him everything even though he doesn't understand. lol i probably look like a loon talking to him.haha
2. i'm pretty good at baking (from scratch!) but my true love is cooking. i just really only like cooking for loved ones.
3. i have been with my hunnie since i was 13. when i'm 26 it'll literally be half of my life with him! wow. next year will be our 9 year anniversary. love you pennie. (he reads my blog, awww!)
4. i've really wanted to be a mom for as long as i can remember. i hope to have an insane amount of kids, most of them adopted from different places.
5. i've had every color of the rainbow in my hair before. my hair is my natural brown now, but i was born with some golden locks, lol.
6. i have 4.5 tattoos. i say .5 because i have a tiny little star on my pinky finger. it may have shown up on my pictures before. i have a bigger star, a rhino cartoon, a spider and a butterfly. rannnndom.
7. i start bawling like a little girl EVERY time i see a dead doggie in the streets. it's just so sad :'{
& now i nominate the following lovelies!
thanks for stopping by!!!